The adoption process is full of abbreviations and acronyms with which you might be unfamiliar. We have created a cheat sheet to help you navigate adoption alphabet soup.

AAAA American Academy of Adoption Attorneys
AILA American Immigration Lawyers Association
AP Adoptive Parent
ASFA Adoption and Safe Families Act
ASP Adoption Service Provider
CA Central Authority
CCA Child Citizenship Act
COA Council on Accreditation
COC Certificate of Citizenship
COO Country of Origin
DCF Department of Children and Families
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DOS Department of State
FAC Florida Administrative Code
FAC Florida Adoption Council
FARR Florida Adoption Reunion Registry
HHS U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
I-290B Notice of Appeal or Motion
I-130 Petition for Alien Relative
I-600 Petition to Classify Orphan as an Immediate Relative
I-800 Petition to Classify Convention Adoptee as an Immediate
IAAME The Intercounty Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity
ICPC Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
IH-2 Visa for a child adopted domestically overseas in a Hague country and classified as an immediate relative of a US citizen 
IH-3 Visa for child whose adoption was finalized in his Hague country of origin (COO) where at least one parent met the child before or during the adoption process 
IH-4 Visa for child from a Hague country of origin (COO) who is coming to the US to be adopted 
IR-2 Visa for a child adopted domestically overseas in a non-Hague country and classified as an immediate relative of a US citizen
IR-3 Visa issued when a full and final adoption is completed abroad in a non-Hague country when at least one parent has met the child before or during the adoption process
IR-4 Visa for child from a non-Hague country of origin (COO) who is coming to the US to be adopted
IRS Internal Revenue Service
JCICS Joint Council of International Children’s Services – child advocacy organization, now defunct
LPR Lawful Permanent Resident
N-400 Application for Naturalization
N-600 Application for Certificate of Citizenship
NACAC The North American Council on Adoptable 
NARF Native Rights Fund
NBC National Benefits Center
NCFA National Council for Adoption
NOA Notice of Appeal or Notice of Appearance
NOID Notice of Intent to Deny
NOIR Notice of Intent to Revoke
NVC National Visa Center
PACA Post Adoption Communication Agreement
RFE Request for Evidence
SSI Social Security Income
TPR Termination of Parental Rights
USCIS U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services